Thursday, October 29, 2009

Random Requests

Hey girls!!! (For anyone else reading this besides Katie and Megan, sorry it has nothing to do with you.) Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that I had a WONDERFUL weekend despite being sick. I'm really sorry if I shared my germs with you, but so far it seems like you're both healthy. I think I'm almost over it...been fever-free for over 24 hours!! Now I feel like I just got off the scrambler after riding it for 5 days straight. Not a fun feeling.

So, this may be sort of random and I know I'm supposed to be doing a "fat girl" blog right now, but I have two requests. You can say no to one or both if you want. I just wanted to throw them out there.

First, I'd like to request that we have no more surprises. I really don't like the secrecy and sneaking makes me feel like I'm competing with you guys or something. I hate lying to my best friends. Also, with all the lies and secrecy, I tend to build my surprise up to be this huge thing and then I end up disappointed. I don't know if you guys feel the same way or not, but that's just how I feel. Besides, I feel like I've come to expect a surprise everytime we get together (Megan, I was honestly shocked that there was no new Vera this time!). I think that expecting a surprise minimizes my reaction to it which basically sucks for the person giving it. Soooooo...yeah...I'm voting to put an end to the surprises (unless of course they're presents for the other person/people).

My second request is by far the most important. When we write our "Fat Chicks Rule" book, can we PLEASE use pen names? I really don't want the whole world knowing my fat girl secrets, or at least knowing that I'M (we're) the one that does them. I can just see it now...50 years from now when I'm an old rotting professor, one of my students will come up to me and say, "Dr. Haggard (because of course I won't ever find a man after all of our secrets are published), you're my hero. You taught me how to go through a drive-thru and get everything I want without people thinking it's all for me. Thank you so much! Will you autograph my donut box?"

Now, I've done my part for the week (more to come soon once I'm caught up on everything I've missed this week). It's your turn!!! START BLOGGING!!!!