Tuesday, May 13, 2008


It's hard to believe that I graduated on Saturday. Those four years went by so fast. In those four years, I met my best friends in the whole world and had so many fun experiences that I hope I'll never forget.

Friday and Saturday were really bittersweet days for me. As I was packing and doing other things around campus and in my dorm, I found myself saying "this is the last time I'm ever going to do this." I'd start to tear up then get mad at myself for almost crying. What was there to cry about? These were stupid little things, like putting on flip flops to go take a shower. Who cries over wearing flip flops in the shower? Apparently I do. After catching myself multiple times throughout the day before I really started crying, I knew that once I let myself cry, it would be a huge meltdown. And the meltdown came...on Saturday. My room was almost empty. My parents were waiting for me in the car. As Katie helped me put my graduation cap on, I could hear Karen, the cleaning lady's voice in my head saying, "you're really gonna miss Katie aren't you?" I thought about all the good times I've had in Walters, all the people I had to say goodbye to, and how thankful I am for the opportunity to meet such amazing people that have become my closest friends. All of this went through my mind in a span of less than 5 seconds and I found myself sobbing on Katie's shoulder. I just couldn't stop.

Everyone keeps telling me that this is just another chapter in my life and it's time to move on to the next. I guess they're right. It's just tough. I guess I'm headed toward the real world. Ready or not, here I come.

Before I post some pictures from my last few days at EKU, I'd like to thank everyone. Please excuse my cornyness. First, I want to say thank you to my parents who have given me so much. They've supported me in everything I've done, paid my huge cell phone bill, and even managed to feign interest when I talked about my classes. I know that they are my biggest cheerleaders and they always will be. Next I'd like to thank my friends for EVERYTHING...the fun times, goofy adventures, and for always being there for me. FAT CHICKS RULE!!! In particular, I'd like to thank Katie for being such an amazing friend. I know that our friendship started out really rocky and we've had more than our share of ups and downs. Thanks for sticking with me through everything. You're awesome!

Ok, now that I feel like I've just accepted one of those stupid awards (I feel like I should thank my agent, the academy, my fans...) I'll share some pictures. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

Oh crap!! I wish I hadn't read this at work!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Sarah!!! I'm so proud of you!!! You'll always remember Eastern. And you'll probably always cry over it. It's been two years and there are still times I think about some Eastern experience and I start crying. It's a good thing. It just shows how important Eastern is, how precious the memories are, how wonderful the friends are, and how much you loved and will always love all of them. I love you always and I miss you.