Sunday, March 14, 2010

A Night in the ER

Quotes from a sick 2 year old:

“Mommy that doctor is NASTY!”

“Mommy, I’m better now” as the drunk-acting creepy doctor walks in. I would have said the same thing if that guy was gonna look at me!

“Milla has the clap” (really, “Milla how to clap” meaning Amelia knows how to clap)

“Sarah, I want to clean” as she grabs a tissue and starts scrubbing the chairs in the waiting room

Madison: Why they do that (close the curtain)
Kristian: So people wouldn’t see your butt
Madison: Oh

"Sarah I take you temperature. You no feel hot"

Madison: I don’t want that (referring to the tubes, wires, and machines)
Kristian: They’re just going to check in your mouth and your ears
Madison: Ok (like “sure, that’s fine“)

Madison: Sarah what that?
Me: that’s called a wheelchair. It’s for big people, not for you
Madison: It for big mommies?
Me: Yep that’s for big mommies
Madison: I wanna clean it

Crazy, creepy, possibly drunk doctor in a Ben Stein monotone voice: Madison, do you have dogs in your stomach?
Madison (unamused and in a matter-of-fact tone): No


Anonymous said...

Madison is hilarious! You should have filmed some of these.

Sarah said...

I wish I had! There were so many more funny moments, but I can't remember them all.

Sarah said...

I should mention that it was about 3:00 in the morning when all of this happened, so I was a little out of it.