Saturday, December 27, 2008


I plan on writing a longer, more detailed post about the holidays later, but for now I just want to share a story with you about one of my Christmas presents. For about a month now I've been thinking that Gagoo was getting me a washer for Christmas. I think we already have a dryer somewhere just waiting for a washer to go with it before we move it to my apartment. About two days before Christmas, I mentioned something to my mom about finding a Wii Fit on ebay. I know, I know, what does this have to do with a washer and dryer? Just hold on. I'm getting to it. Anyway, Mom had been talking about wanting to get a Wii for her and dad since they're currently sharing mine with me. I said there was no point in her buying one now because she'd have mine at the house since I've been playing the playstation a lot more (we switch between the Wii and the Playstation). I'm starting to get confused as I'm writing this so I'll just get to the point. After I mentioned looking for Wii Fit online, she gave me a funny look, suggesting that she had either already bought a Wii Fit or had been looking for one. I thought I might be getting one for Christmas, but actually forgot about it entirely. So Christmas morning came and "Santa" didn't bring me a Wii Fit, or any Wii games for that matter. I didn't really think much of it because I'd forgotten about that look mom had given me. When it was time to open presents from Gagoo, I had sort of given up hope of a washer (which actually disappointed me) because there were two boxes for me from her. I opened the first one. It was a shirt (that I haven't really even looked at yet). The second one was a Wii Fit! I was really excited because I've been wanting to try it. Alison and I are determined to lose weight but we're too lazy. The treadmill I bought has only been used once and is now collecting dust in our kitchen. So I figured a Wii Fit would be a fun way to exercise.

Christmas night, we set it up. Hailey, the girls, Mom, and Gagoo were watching, so we decided to let Libby go first since she's the lightest and wouldn't get embarrassed at her weight. I decided not to let anyone see me do it. When the girls begged me to go on and do it, I jokingly said, "As soon as I step on, it'll yell at me and tell me I'm fat!" The girls laughed at me and kept telling me it wouldn't do that. I felt really bad for Hailey because it ended up showing that she's overweight. The thing is, we didn't know her exact height, so I guessed, which could have made the BMI a little off. Also, it isn't always accurate for people under 20. She was kind of upset about it but got over it once they started playing games. It was fun watching the girls play the games.

Anyway, after everyone had left (except for Mom who was half asleep on the couch), I decided to take my turn. The first thing you have to do is tell it your age, height, and the weight of your clothes (light or heavy). Then it weighs you and calculates your BMI and center of balance. You don't get to see your weight or BMI until after the whole test is finished. My center of balance was pretty good, but slightly to the left. It started doing its calculation and all of a sudden the little Wii voice yells, "THAT'S OBESE!" I kid you not. The thing actually yelled at me and told me I was fat. And every time I step on the darn board, it goes "OH!" like it's surprised. After it yelled at me, Mom woke up and said, "did that just yell at you?" It's very depressing, but at the same time incredibly motivating. I've been playing it for about an hour everyday. I'm the hula hoop queen. You should see these hips move! Even if it doesn't help me lose weight, at least it's fun!


Anonymous said...

I laughed harder at the story of the verbally abusive Wii than I have laughed at anything in a long time. It was inappropriately loud and hard laughter. You have to bring that thing when we get together so I can have it yell at me and call me fat. A verbally abusive Wii. It's wonderful! I need something like that in the gym. I might stop eating all bad things if the eliptical said "Oh!" every time I stepped on it. I am laughing again. Sarah I just love your stories! They are hilarious!!! I love you and miss you bunches!!! Can't wait to see you!!!