Monday, December 15, 2008

Uh Oh!

I'm really nervous right now, but can't get a hold of anyone in my class to bitch about it. So I guess I'll just blog about it. I was all set to start some major studying. I have a HUGE final tomorrow that's supposed to be pretty hard. I was gathering all the necessary equipment; books, paper, donuts, pencils, chocolate milk, highlighters... I decided to check my email first. Well apparently we're supposed to get some pretty bad weather tonight. I had an email from Dr. Cranfill, the professor whose final I was about to study for. In the email, she proposed that she give us the final online, but not on blackboard. She would email us the final by 9:00 am and we would have to complete it and email it back to her by 11:00 am. For every minute after 11:05 that it was late, she would deduct points. Well, for someone who knows that computers aren't always the most reliable things in the world, this worried me. Thoughts of computer malfunctions ran through my head as I read this email. Aside from anything that could go wrong electronically, I think I would completely SUCK at taking this final online. For starters, I guarantee I won't study as hard for it because I'll think "Oh yeah, I can just use my book if I don't know an answer." But seriously guys, this woman's tests are ridiculous. The book wouldn't really help me much. Also, on Thursday she was going to let us come in and make corrections (without using our books though), but now she won't let us do that because she can't prove that we didn't use our books in the first place. I don't know what I'm gonna do if this thing is online. I'm screwed! On the plus side, I wouldn't have to get dressed and drive to campus. I just wish she would go on and tell us what she's going to do. I guess I'm off to start studying. Wish me luck!


Anonymous said...

I know it's too late now, but Good Luck!!! I'm sure you did well!!!