Thursday, April 23, 2009

Fat Kid Cramp

A few weeks ago, as I was sitting at a stop light, I watched an elementary/middle school track meet (it was a really long light). When the race started, the kids took off. Within seconds, they were out of sight...all but one. A short, chubby kid was chugging along behind them, a look of fierce determination on his face. It was obvious that he would never catch up, but he just kept running as fast as he could.

I am that chubby kid. Lately, I've felt like I'm running a race that I can't win. I'm pushing myself as hard as I can, but I just can't seem to catch up. As soon as I make it over one hurdle, there's always another one waiting for me. If I were that kid, I would have given up. I probably wouldn't have joined the team in the first place. But no, this kid kept on truckin. I realized that I need to be more like this kid. I joined the team, so now I have to race. I may be struggling in life, but things will get better. I can't give up just because thing are tough. School may be kicking my butt right now, but I guarantee that little boy got his butt kicked even worse.

So I'm gonna keep running. I can't do it alone though. I need you guys to be my cheerleaders, to toss me a water bottle every now and then when I get a fat kid cramp from running so hard, and to pick me up if I fall flat on my face. Thanks for being there for me through all of this and for putting up with my whining. I love you guys!


Anonymous said...

You can do it Sarah. You can do it. The triumph is in the struggle. (That's from Pepaw, not Mom.) Just keep on plugging and you can get through anything.

And I will be a fabulous cheerleader. Seriously, ask anyone who knows me. I am a fantastic cheerleader. I was mascot in high school. I am a great motivator.

I am so excited for the summer! I can shovel the platitudes down your throat every single day! (Want to take bets on how many times I'll say "This too shall pass" ?) And we can work and study together. That will make it better too.

Just stick with it, keep on plugging, you'll get through it. I believe in you! Lots of love...