Monday, April 7, 2008

Adventures at the Zoo

I'm going to take you on a trip to the Louisville Zoo--an amazing adventure full of elephant aerobics, mating lions, wrestling gorillas, and colorful birds. Please remember to keep your arms, legs, and head inside the tram at all times.

First we need to get our tickets. We wait in line and talk excitedly about what animals we hope to see. With each step toward the ticket window, our excitement grows. Finally, tickets purchased, we grab a map and begin our adventure.

As we make our way down the path, we come upon what looks like two large boulders. We move in for a closer look and discover that those boulders have ears tails, and horns. We leave the sleeping rhinos and go for a ride.

Turning the corner, we hear what sounds like a waterfall. A huge shower of liquid is flooding the ground under a large gray mass. As the flow stops and the mass moves, a trunk appears and the elephant makes his way toward the door where three trainers are entering the area. It's time for elephant aerobics! The three elephants, linked trunk to tail, parade around doing tricks. Scotty, the baby elephant, wows the crowd with his amazing display of skills.

Suddenly we hear a roar. We head towards it and see a lioness standing at the edge of the rock, roaring at the crowd. She lays down to sleep and is soon awakened by the male lion. They appear to be wrestling, but soon the crowd erupts into laughter and parents attempt to cover the eyes of their children.

As the laughter dies down, we head towards the petting zoo. Along the way we pass zebras.


and giraffes

We stop to pet goats.

And make our way through the gorilla forest. We stop to watch gorillas wrestling and playing as a huge silverback gorilla, "The Blob", sleeps in the sun. The monkeys and gorillas come to the glass to say hi.

After a quick stop in the family restrooms...

...we head down to Lorikeet Landing to feed the birds. Cups of nectar in hand, we wait anxiously at the gate while the trainer teases the already terrified member of our group. The gate is opened and the birds flock towards us in a huge blur of colors and land on our arms, shoulders and heads.

After shaking the birds out of our hair and inspecting our clothes for bird droppings, we hop on over to the wallaby walkabout.

We visit a few more animals

And hop on the train for a quick ride around the zoo.

After one last visit to our favorite animals, we head toward the car with sunburnt faces and sore feet. As our adventure comes to an end, we stop for one last group picture.

Then head home to relax and plan our next big adventure.


Angelhugs said...

OMG I Love it!!! that is a great post and really caputures our amazing trip!

Anonymous said...

I loved that trip. All my law school friends have enjoyed the lion stories....all the "wrestling." It's a trip I will remember my entire life. I love you girls so much! (p.s. at least one you should have told me that I looked like a pregnant zoo keeper, grrr). I still love you bunches though!