Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Happy Birthday, Megan!

Today is Megan's birthday! She is one of my best friends and one of my favorite people in the whole wide world. For those of you who don't know Megan, aka Moo, I'll tell you a little about her. She's extremely intelligent. She's 2nd in her class in law school. She's hilarious and can always make me smile. I love visiting her after a rough week because I always feel so much better after spending a weekend with her. Our adventures together have been so entertaining.

Aside from being the best damn lawyer Sturgis, Kentucky has ever seen, she hopes to marry a gas station owner/mechanic and eventually live in the woods.

I'll never forget all the fun times we've had together: our trip to the zoo, almost getting kicked out of the planetarium, our trip to the peddler's mall when she confessed that she had already been there before she told us she was in town, the death of the non-halogen lamps, and so many more...

To sum it all up, Megan is an amazing person and a wonderful friend. No words, and certainly not this little post, could ever do her justice. I can't imagine not having her in my life. I'm so glad we're friends and I hope that we can be friends forever.


Anonymous said...

This is probably the best thing that has ever been written about me!!! I love it!!! Thanks!!! I hope that we will be friends forever too!!! I love you!!!