Thursday, January 29, 2009

Ice Storm 2009: Part 1

In case you didn't know, I'm one of those people who doesn't get all worked up about things that normal people get worked up over. When I heard this ice storm was coming, I though "Eh, we might get a little something, but nothing's really gonna happen." I figured since everyone was freaking out then we wouldn't really get anything. We'd be in school without even an hour delay. As Alison frantically packed her bags and searched for candles, I calmly played free step on the Wii Fit. When she cried and begged me to come with her to her friend, Trish's house, I explained to her that I wasn't scared of a little ice. I'd be fine alone. So after she headed out, I continued to play the Wii Fit. Next thing I know, the power flickered off and back on. It only lasted a few seconds, so I continued playing Wii, a little angry that I had to start my game over again. A few minutes later, the power flickered again. At this point I figured I might as well get prepared just in case we temporarily lost power.

This is where it gets fun. Still not thinking we'd get much, I drove up to the gas station, filled up my car, and bought a lighter in case I needed to light candles. So this is what I had to make it through the power outage everyone was predicting: about 12 candles that I had taken from Alison's room, a small blanket that was already on the couch, a blue lighter, leftover Chinese food, and a full tank of gas. No snacks, no water. I could survive with that, right? Well, I set up the candles, got out the lighter, and got back to work on the Wii Fit. In the meantime, Alison kept texting me asking me to please let her pick me up when she got finished shopping for supplies at the dollar store. I continued to assure her that I was fine and nothing big was going to happen. Just then, the power went out again. This time it didn't come back on. I had lost 30 minutes of free step wii fit work. I was pissed. I remembered that I had a flashlight in the car. I figured it would come in handy. I took a step outside my door. For a split second, this line from Carrie Underwood's song went through my head "she heard the trumpets from the military band and the flowers fell out of her hand." Then everything went black.

The next thing I knew, I was on the ground. I could hear my neighbor trying to stifle a laugh as she asked if I was ok. She repeatedly asked me if I was ok, but I couldn't answer. Finally, a tad embarrassed, I sat up and told her I was fine. All I could think was "Oh God, I'm wearing my penguin pajamas. I hope I don't have to go to the hospital like this."

After retrieving the flashlight, I came inside. From there, all I remember about the next hour is that I started sobbing uncontrollably. I called my mom and told her about my fall. I could hear her immediately call Alison and beg her to come get me. As Alison pulled into the driveway, I heard a HUGE crash. I thought she might have fallen. When they walked in, they told me that part of the big tree out front had fallen.

Alison and Trish helped me pack my stuff. They wanted to take me to the hospital, but I refused. I was really out of it. I went to Trish's for a bit, but don't really remember much about that except that the dog kept trying to hump my arm. Finally I decided I wanted to go home. It was so eerie coming back to my apartment. All of the power was out on my end of Richmond. After assuring the girls I'd be fine, they finally left me in the darkness of my apartment. I slept bundled up on the couch. I kept waking myself up every good few hours just to make sure I was still alive. What an adventure! More to come!

Monday, January 19, 2009

I'll climb the frosty mountain: An update

Well guys, it turns out that the weird song that's been going through my head is an actual song. Here are the lyrics.

I'll sail upon the Dog-star
Henry Purcell

I'll sail upon the Dog Star,
And then pursue the morning,
I'll chase the moon 'till it be noon,
But I'll make her leave her horning.

I'll climb the frosty mountain,
And there I'll coin the weather;
I'll tear the rainbow from the sky,
And tie both ends together.

The starts pluck from their orbs, too,
And crowd them in my budget!
And whether I'm a roaring boy,
Let all the nations judge it.

On another note, I found this on Jared Wiley's myspace page:

"AMERICAN IDOL yea that was me, but that song that you saw me singing was from a previous audition in front of the producers. The producers hounded me to keep singing different songs and I kind of fumbled on choices.On that day they told all of us that they were taping the auditions, but they were solely for the judges to view. If I knew that they would aire what I sang on T.V. I would have never sang that song and in that high octive. I really only sang it to standout during that audition. I sang "You Raise Me Up" in front of Simon, Randy and Paula. It was more relatable and in a much lower octive and I got good comments from all three of them. So I guess those three really dont have much control over who makes it through. Also, Simon never made that Sci-fi comment to me. I signed the release form, saying that they could do anything with the footage they shot. So I pretty much got screwed for good T.V." -Jared

Friday, January 16, 2009

I'll Miss you, Miss Blanche

Dear Miss Blanche,

There are so many things I should have told you, but never did. You were such an amazing woman and an inspiration to anyone who met you. I've never met anyone who had such a positive outlook on life and such an unwavering faith in God. You never had anything bad to say about anyone. Even though you had so little, you always gave so much. I can still remember the time years ago when you bought me chicken patties and told my mom that you "had to take care of your girl." I loved being your girl. I'll never forget our trips to Wal-Mart or my earliest memory of you, hearing you walking around the Episcopal Day School whistling. You were always whistling.

I love the way you took such good care of my mom, Ms. Mary Beth, as you called her. "Well, Ms. Mary Beth, you've gained weight" or "Now Ms. Mary Beth, you look good. Just try to keep it like that" Whenever I would see you out, you'd always ask about her. It made me feel so good that there was someone out there looking out for my mom. I know that now you're her guardian angel. Keep looking out for her, Miss Blanche. She needs you.

You had such an amazing life. Not everyone can say they were best friends with a movie star. Most people would brag about the fact that they were friends with the Clooneys, but you were so humble. To you, they were just regular people. I love that about you. You were so humble, honest, and sincere.

Thank you, Miss Blanche, for allowing me to be a part of your life. I am truly blessed to have met you. I hope that someday I can become at least half the woman you were. I will miss you greatly and will never forget you. I love you, Miss Blanche!


Your Girl, Sarah

P.S. I wanted to include the message that George Clooney sent with a beautiful flower arrangement "I bet there is one heck of a homecoming parade going on, only this time Rosemary is riding in Blanche's car."

Thursday, January 15, 2009


You wouldn't believe the amount of people who have visited my blog just to see that video of the guy singing about climbing the frosty mountain. So...if you're here for that video, welcome to my blog! Feel free to look around and read other posts.

Thank you, American Idol

As you can probaby tell from my previous posts, I'm a little obsessed with American Idol right now. Season 8 is already fabulous. Right now, it's at my favorite part of the show: THE AUDITIONS! It's so hilarious. I'm really hating the new judge. She's kind of arrogant and seems like she thinks she always needs to be the center of attention. Anyway, the past two night have been great because I finally have someone to watch Idol with me. MY ROOMIE!!! It's been wonderful because as soon as we both got home from class on Tuesday, we sat down and watched it together. And then last night we cooked dinner and then watched Idol. It's been great. As corny as this sounds, I think it's sort of bringing us together. We've been hanging out a lot more because of it and talking more. So thank you, American Idol, for bringing me and my roommate closer!

No Sex Allowed!

I am your brother

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I'll climb the frosty mountain...

Funny American Idol audition from last season.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Killer Whale

I had a dream that I was attacked by a killer whale that washed up on the beach. It bit me multiple times and left bite marks, but did not puncture my skin. I took a picture while he was biting me. That is all.