Thursday, January 15, 2009

Thank you, American Idol

As you can probaby tell from my previous posts, I'm a little obsessed with American Idol right now. Season 8 is already fabulous. Right now, it's at my favorite part of the show: THE AUDITIONS! It's so hilarious. I'm really hating the new judge. She's kind of arrogant and seems like she thinks she always needs to be the center of attention. Anyway, the past two night have been great because I finally have someone to watch Idol with me. MY ROOMIE!!! It's been wonderful because as soon as we both got home from class on Tuesday, we sat down and watched it together. And then last night we cooked dinner and then watched Idol. It's been great. As corny as this sounds, I think it's sort of bringing us together. We've been hanging out a lot more because of it and talking more. So thank you, American Idol, for bringing me and my roommate closer!


Anonymous said...

This is so sweet. Sometimes reality TV can bring people together. I don't watch the show so I don't know, but if you say the new judge is bad news, she must be bad news. I'm just glad that you and your roomie are having fun! See you soon! Love you and miss you lots!!!