Monday, February 2, 2009

Just Curious

I promise I'll post Ice Storm 2009: Part 2 as soon as possible, but right now I'm just curious how many regular readers I have. There have been a lot of new people visiting my blog and I think it would be awesome if they've continued reading! So, if you're new to my blog, WELCOME! Feel free to leave comments and let me know that you're here and what you think of my blog. That is all. Have a good night!


Angelhugs said...

I am here....I think your blog is alright! lol j.k I LOVE YOUR BLOG! LOL

Anonymous said...

You certainly have one loyal reader in Louisville, Kentucky (and I think home is Cerulean, Kentucky on the Traffic Feed). I love your blog. I think you should post more. I think you should post all the time really. I would read it. I read your blog even before I read my reality tv recaps on Television Without Pity. You should feel shockingly proud of that fact.