Monday, February 16, 2009

Trading in

I feel like a used car. One of those old junkers that nobody really wants but they drive because they can't get anything better. You know the ones I'm talking about. An old, dirty, beat-up car with trash on the floorboards because nobody sees the point in taking care of me. I get driven around by people that don't really care about me and by people who just aren't right for me. Of course there are those rare few who see me for who I really am. Those are the ones that I don't want to give up. Those are the ones that continue to do their best to make me shine. They lovingly clean up my interior and throw away all that trash. They clean my engine and make me feel like new again. I run better than ever when they're around. They do what they can for my exterior too, but I know that they love me just the way I am.

I'm tired of those people who throw trash on my floor. That trash just keeps building up until one of the good drivers comes along and cleans me out. I want to be clean and shiny all the time. I know that there will always be a candy wrapper here or there. Nobody can be spotless. I'm sure there are lots of people out there who would love to trade me in for a newer, better model. But I'm not going anywhere. I'm just going to be myself, but from now on I'm only letting those good drivers in. They're the ones who love me for who I am, take care of me, and put me first in their lives. For them, I'll do the same. I will keep them safe, comfort them when they're feeling sad, and crank up my music to entertain them. They will always be the most important people in my life and they will always be able to count on me.

For all those good drivers in my life, thank you for all that you do for me. For all the bad drivers, I'm trading you in.


Anonymous said...

1. I am very glad that you posted. It makes me happy. I guess I can call off the mandatory meeting now.

2. I would never trade you in for anything in the whole world. You are exactly how I want you to be. You are my friend Sarah and to me you are perfect. Any person who makes you feel like you are not good enough and who doesn't value you just the way you are is not worth your time and you should kick them to the curb.

3. This made me feel like a bad car owner. I don't know the last time I washed or cleaned Wubby. It's not that I don't love him. I just don't think about cleaning him when I'm not in him. And it's not good to clean him while I am in him. Hmmm...guess who's cleaning her car over Spring Break