Friday, February 27, 2009

Summer Schedule and Other Such Ramblings

Well folks, I finally got my summer schedule. There's good news and bad news. I'll give you the good first, since you already know it. My classes and clinic start June 1st and end July 24th (my birthday for those of you who forgot). There is one exception. One of my classes starts two weeks earlier (May 17th?) and ends July 24th, but it's online for the first two weeks. This means I'm available to go on vacation the last week of July or the first week of August!

Now for the bad news (mostly for me, but a little for Megan). My classes start at 8 freakin 30 in the morning. Scratch that...CLINIC starts at 8:30 in the morning. I have to be awake AND HAPPY and functioning that early in the morning. That's 2, 3, or possibly 4 clients right in a row with no time in between. That means I'll probably have to be there around 7:30 to get all my therapy materials ready for the day. We ALL know I'm not a morning person. 8:30. What were they thinking? Anyway, clinic goes from 8:30-12:00 with nonstop therapy (multiple clients). For four of those weeks, I won't have to do group therapy so from 8:30-10:00 I'll be in a class instead. You'd think it's a long enough day going from 8:30 to 12:00, but no, they had to add a couple classes to the mix. My classes start at 2:15 and end at 5:45. So Monday through Thursday (I think) I'll be at school from 8:30-5:45.

I'm not letting this get me down. I'm wearing my swimsuit under my clinic clothes so I can pick up Megan and go straight to Paradise Cove or whatever the new water park is called. Lol I'm totally buying season passes and everything. Ok, we might not go EVERY day, but I want to go A LOT! I also plan on being all housewifey and cooking us dinner a lot. Well, I'm hoping to grill out so maybe that would be considered being husbandy. Also, we'll have a new baby at home in Maysville, so some weekends will be spent there holding the new little guy (I refuse to believe it could possibly be a girl) and swimming in the pool (if Charlie hasn't chewed it up).

Yeah, I'm rambling....sorry. Anyway, I'd better get back to work. I'm feeling super productive today and am on my way to do laundry. It won't be any fun without my laundry buddy Katie, but I'll just have to play the quarter game myself! I'll let ya know if I win big (aka another pocket knife). Just wanted to share my summer schedule with ya. Love you girls and can't wait to see you next weekend! Stay tuned for another post about plans for next weekend!


Anonymous said...

Oh, Sarah! This makes me so excited! I can't wait for summer. We are going to have an absolute blast. You can be the cooking housewife and I will be the cleaning housewife. It will be great. And we can totally go to Paradise Cove everyday. We should buy season passes before the prices increase.

I am completely excited about next weekend too. It is what is going to get me through today, and quite possibly next week, but definately today. You should post plans soon as I am nearly overcome with excitement!!! I miss you and can't wait to see you again soon.

[P.S. Katie--I miss you too!!! I can't wait to see you again either!!!]