Thursday, February 18, 2010


Well, ladies, the bad luck continues...

I left work around 5:30 today, tired and ready to change into pjs and relax. I was cruising along around Mount Vernon (go figure)going over my to-do list, when all of a sudden I heard a weird noise coming from my car. My heart was pounding as I fought the urge to puke. I turned down the radio to hear better and realized I had a flat tire. I pulled over, turned on the emergency flashers, crawled to the passenger side, and jumped out to check out the damage. The damn tire was totally blown out--not low, not just flat--BLOWN OUT. Surprisingly, I didn't cry. I called mom, who got dad (after a few minutes, because he was in the bathroom) and they gave me the number for AAA, since I'm an idiot and didn't have my card with me. I called AAA and they said it would be about 45 minutes, but I was top priority since I wasn't in a safe place. They said they would call when they were on their way. In the meantime, I needed to clean out my trunk. You've both seen it. It's full of JUNK. So I frantically pulled crap from my trunk and threw it in the backseat so that I'd have access to my spare. I was talking to my mom through all of this when all of a sudden, a truck pulled up and a nicely dressed man started walking toward me. He asked if I was ok and if I needed any help. I kept thinking "Oh my God, he's going to abduct me." So I politely told him that AAA was on their way. He chuckled and said "oh, I'm the manager for AAA." He showed me his card and said he was going to check to see how much longer it would be before help came. I frantically whispered to Mom, who told me not to trust him. I kept saying, "but Mom, he has on a bluetooth headset and has a laptop mounted in his car. I think he's legit...OH look, he has a bright yellow reflector jacket. He IS legit!" So the man came over and said it would be about 30 minutes. At this point it was getting dark. He told me he'd just change the tire himself. So he did. He told me not to go over 50, but I could at least make it back to Richmond.

So, I drove off on my little donut of a tire, going 45 on the interstate. I called my mom to see what I should do. She informed me that my tires are special-order only and that places probably wouldn't have them in stock. Well SHIT! She started calling all the car/tire places in Richmond and finally called me back with good news. Tire Discounters (in the new shopping center) had my tire in stock. They even said they would stay open for me if I wasn't too much longer getting there. Well, at this point I was still about 20-30 minutes away. Mom called them back and told them I could wait til morning. They told her to tell me to stop by anyway and they would check the air in my spare to make sure it would hold through the night. So I stopped there. Let me just tell you...THAT GUY WAS HOT. What is with me and cute guys and bad luck with cars? Well anyway, they checked my tire, put some air in it, and told me to come back in the morning. They said the spare should hold up all night as long as I don't do any drag racing lol. Anyway, I'm going back in the morning and then heading to Corbin. What a day!


Angelhugs said...

Omg that is crazy!!!! I would of been scared!!!! ALl I have to say though is it is about time you got a new tire!!! lol WEll I am glad you are safe and that you didn't get abducted!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

My favorite line is...he has a blue tooth headset, I think he's legit. He's got a bright yellow reflector jacket! He is legit! Too funny. I too am glad you are safe. You have to think though, that since every time you have car trouble you meet hot guys...maybe car trouble isn't such a bad thing for you? Just looking at the positive side there.