Tuesday, February 9, 2010

FBA: Future Bitches of America

Consider this a warning: After this weekend, I will turn into a complete psycho-bitch.

I had a thesis committee meeting tonight and they basically ripped my thesis to shreds. They say I have a good and interesting concept, but it's more "dissertation material" than "thesis material". Apparently I'm trying to go too big. Personally, I think I can do it. It's now my mission to prove them wrong.

They gave me a TON of stuff I need to do and threw some wrenches in the gears, but I'm DETERMINED to get it done BEFORE graduation in MAY. I will have WEEKLY committee meetings with deadlines for each step in the process. Now, I ask you, why was this not happening all of last year? Oh well, it's happening now so I'll just have to deal with it.

So, with externship, 2 classes, and weekly thesis deadlines, I'm going to have very little time for fun, relaxing, and sleep. I'm going to turn into the spawn of satan and you will probably want to kill me or de-friend me. I just ask that you bare with me. It will get better once this is all over with. Then I will throw a huge party and buy you presents and maybe even dedicate my thesis to you.

No worries, ladies, this will in no way effect our weekend together. I am putting all thesising aside for the weekend. It will be my last weekend of freedom. I'm ready to live it up.

I can't wait to see you girls. It's going to be tons of fun! I miss you and love you lots!