Sunday, March 1, 2009


I'm in shock. I just want to share with you all how productive I've been this week. Those of you who know me well, know that I'm the Queen of Procrastination. This week has been a huge exception. It all started on Wednesday. I was one of 10/16 girls that showed up for class Wednesday morning. I got a prize just for showing up (therapy materials). After class, I skipped my thesis meeting because I was feeling a little blah. I went home and took a FOREVER long nap. When I woke up I was super groggy so I decided to go to Wal-Mart and buy some juice and some ink for my printer.

I got to school an hour and a half early so I sat in the classroom by myself. It was at this point that I got a sudden burst of energy. So what did I do with that energy? I blogged. For some reason, blogging sparked this wave of productiveness. Thank God for blogs. That night during class, I had my computer out to take notes. The class was super boring and I didn't really need to take many notes, so I decided to make the most out of my time. I finished 3 SOAP notes (clinic notes) and corrected 2 others. By the time I finished, class was almost over. That was the end of my productiveness for the night.

Thursday, I got up, went to school, had clinic, then went to class. After class, I had another bought of laziness. I sat around watching TV. Once again, I left for class early. When I got there, I sat in the classroom alone and watched my therapy video. Again, while taking notes in class, I decided to make the most of my time. This time was a little harder because I actually had notes to take. I finished my SOAP for the day before class was over. Before 10:00 on Thursday night, I had emailed all of my notes to my supervisors, sent an email to my client, and typed and emailed my lesson plans for next week. None of it was really due until noon on Friday and it usually doesn't get done until after noon on Friday.

Friday was a super productive day as well. Alison and I decided that we needed to clean our rooms. I made my infamous cleaning to-do list and got to work. I cleaned out my closet, organized my bookshelves, and cleaned off my desk. I got bored. So what did I do? I took quizzes. No, not the little quizzes that you take for fun online. I took real school quizzes. Two of them. Crazy, huh? Well I got tired of taking quizzes, and I really really really wanted ice cream, so I made Alison drive me to Dairy Queen. After eating my ice cream, I ended up going to bed. It was only 10:00.

Yesterday wasn't productive at all. But TODAY.....

For some reason I woke up at 10:00. Yes, 10. On a Sunday. I was wide awake with tons and tons of energy. I figured I would watch some TV, do my everyday internet things (check email, Webkinz, facebook, see if anyone blogged...) I started watching a movie and somehow found myself sending an email that I was supposed to send weeks ago. Another movie started...and I found myself doing a report that's due tomorrow. Here's the scary thing. I finished that report and emailed it before any of the other 3 girls finished theirs. That really freaked me out. So now I'm cleaning my room....well, technically I'm blogging. But I was really freaked out by the fact that I'm not being lazy and I'm not FORCING myself to get things done. I'm just doing them without even thinking about it.

Yeah, so back to cleaning. I'm really sorry for boring you with this. I just needed to tell someone.


Anonymous said...

Wow!!! Your productivity sounds great! I am especially excited that you woke up so early today. It's always good to stay on top of school things. I find that being busy makes me accomplish more. I bet your room will look great for next weekend!