Sunday, March 22, 2009

How could a little blog mean so much?

I just realized how much this stupid blog means to me. Obviously it's a great way to stay in touch with two of my favorite people in the world. It gives us a chance to keep each other updated on what's going on in our lives when we're not able to tell each other in person or on the phone. It gives me a chance to tell them how I'm feeling without worrying about sounding corny, like now for example. Yeah, it means a lot to me to be able to read their blogs and leave comments. It also means a lot to read the comments they leave for me. But I think the thing that means the most to me about this blog is probably the thing that most people would consider insignificant or even annoying. That annoying traffic feed that shows the world that I check my blog about 50 times a day...that's what means the most to me. You see, not only does it say Richmond, KY up to 20 times a day, but it also says Fairfield, OH and Louisville, KY just as much. It means so much to me that the girls check so often to see if any of us have blogged. To me, it shows how much they care. Yeah, I know a lot of it is habit. I have my set list of websites I check multiple times a accounts, weather, blogs... but it still makes me feel good to see that they've visited my blog. It especially makes me feel good when I know that Katie has read (or at least skimmed) my posts because she usually has to hear the whole boring story over the phone before I even post it on here.

I think what made me realize how much that stupid traffic feed means to me is the fact that Megan is home for spring break this week and hasn't read our blogs. There has been no Louisville, KY in my traffic feed. There has been no comment aside from my own on the TWO blogs Katie has posted recently. Two blogs in that short amount of time is a lot for Katie!!! It makes me happy that she's posted so much. When Megan sees it, she'll be proud. Keep the posts coming Katie!!! Anyway, I would feel the same way if I didn't see Fairfield, OH on my traffic feed too. It's just a good feeling to know that they care. So girls, I'm not taking down that feed. I don't care if it shows the world that I visit my own blog 50 times a day. Just keep coming so I know you're there!


Anonymous said...

I love your blog. I love both you girls blogs. I wish you would post everyday. I would read it. I would find the time somewhere. I value the comments that you post on my blog. It's nice to feel like someone cares about you, about what you've written, about what you think. I try to visit y'all's blogs at least once a day. I want to know what's going on in your lives. I miss you and I think this is a decent way to keep in contact. I love your blog. And I don't mind the people tracker. I think it is kind of neat.