Sunday, March 15, 2009

I met the guy of my dreams at a gas station...

...and I don't even know his name. Here's the story:

I have a terrible cold. My nose is stuffy, I sound like a man, and my face is all red and splotchy. I have constant sniffles. I haven't showered. I'm wearing jeans and an old t-shirt with a hat covering my unbrushed hair. Basically, I look like crap.

I messed around all day, trying to delay going back to Richmond. Finally, I decided I needed to leave before dark, so I loaded up all my junk and headed out. I stopped at a gas station to put air in my tires, one of which was almost flat. Next, was my most important stop. I drove through McDonald's to get a large diet Coke. I also stopped at the ATM which refused to give me any money. Then I headed out of town.

Well, about 15 minutes from Paris (which is about 45 minutes from Richmond), I realized that I hadn't stopped for gas before leaving. Now, I figured I had enough gas to get me home, but I wanted to stop just in case. So I stopped at Thornton's in Paris, my favorite gas station because the gas there is always cheaper. I tied a jacket around my waist because I was having crack issues, and filled her up. After screwing the gas cap back on, happy that I had filled up for only $13, I got back in, ready to get home. I turned the key...hmm...I don't think it started. I turned it, definitely didn't start. It was turning over, but wouldn't start. I freaked. So what did I do? I called my Mom. She kept asking me if it sounded like something was wrong with the battery. Well, I know nothing about cars. I kept telling her that I had no idea what it would sound like if something was wrong with the battery. She said she would call AAA then call me right back. As I was waiting, I went inside to tell the cashier that I couldn't move my car but someone was on their way to help me. Then I came back outside and tried to pop the hood. I couldn't get it open. For some reason I couldn't find the hatch under the hood that you have to pull to open it. I kept trying to start the car. I was SURROUNDED by men in big trucks. They all saw that my car wouldn't start. But did they help me? NO. As I was desperately trying to start my car, this incredibly cute guy about my age walked over and asked, "Does your hood not shut?" Well at this point it was sticking up a little from where I had tried to open it. "Yeah, it shuts, but I'm trying to open it. I can't get it to open," was my response. "Want me to get it?" "Sure! That would be great!" "There ya go. It's a little tricky." Ok, at this point, this guy is my hero. It gets even better. At that point my Dad called. The guy, still standing there, says, "Do you know what you're doing?" To which I replied, "I have no clue!" I was sort of ignoring my dad because I wanted to talk to the guy. He was still standing there. Right then, AAA called. They told me to go check to make sure the gas cap was on tight. I had already done that once, but to humor her, I checked it again. She told me to go try to start my car again. IT WORKED! The guy was still standing there and asked me if I wanted him to close the hood. I told him that would be great and thanked him profusely.

As I drove off, I kept thinking I should have asked him what his name was. Then I could have facebook stalked him. This guy really amazed me because here I was surrounded by grown men, obviously in distress, and the only one that would help me was a guy that was my age. Did I mention that he was really cute? Not like "pretty boy" cute, but cute in a good way. Anyway, I thought about this guy the whole way back to Richmond. I debated on going back to ask him his name and thank him again lol. But I figured he'd think I was dumb. Besides, he probably wouldn't have been there anymore anyway.

So yeah, there's my story. From now on, any guy I date has to meet these two criteria:

1) He has to know something about cars (and not just the number for AAA) because I know nothing about them.

2) He has to be the kind of guy that will offer to help a girl whose car won't start at a gas station.

Now don't get me wrong, he doesn't have to pick up hitch-hikers or stop for people on the side of the road. And yes, I will start asking guys these questions before I even start dating them.

Ok, that's all for now.


Anonymous said...

You are just now learning what I have always known. All girls should marry a mechanic, or at least someone who knows something about cars. I'm telling you. I love mechanics. I've said I was going to marry a mechanic for years and years. I wish you had gotten his number for sure. It would be awesome. Your story reminds me of my daddy's advice for most all car problems when I'm at school. "Find you a nice boy and he will fix it." Even if he didn't fix, you still found you a nice boy who might could have fixed it. It's a great story. You could spice it up and make it into a romance novel.