Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Killer Whale

Wait...didn't I already have a post with the same title. Yes, yes I did. You know why?! Because I'm a weirdo who dreams about being attacked by killer whales. Come on now! This is getting ridiculous! What's with all the freaking killer whale dreams?

So when I was home last weekend, I had a dream that I was at the beach with Mom and Hailey. There was a shallow part of the water that extended out a couple feet then suddenly dropped off to this super deep part. Well, Hailey and Mom were out hanging onto the ledge of the deep part. I was in with them, but decided that since there was no lifeguard, I should get out and watch for sharks. I vividly remember saying "I'm gonna go be the lifeguard." I hoisted myself out of the water. Just as I turned to scan the beach, I saw a huge shark fin right behind Hailey. I screamed for them to get out, but they didn't listen. All of a sudden I realized it was a killer whale. It swallowed a little boy whole then turned toward Mom and Hailey. I ran to the ledge they were on and grabbed Mom's arm. She grabbed onto Hailey and I pulled them both out of the water with only one arm! I didn't get them out in time though. The killer whale jumped up onto the beach and bit Hailey's toe off. I screamed "NO!!!" (probably for real out loud) and jumped between Hailey and the killer whale. It bit my entire foot off before I escaped. I wasn't worried about myself. I ran (I'm not sure how) over to Hailey and yelled to my Dad (who had suddenly appeared) that Hailey's toe was a couple feet away down the beach. He grabbed it and someone sewed it back on. They also found my foot and sewed it back on. I could see these huge black stitches all around my ankle and Hailey's toe. I kept telling her over and over again that she was still perfect. Then I woke up.

So guys, tell me what in the heck this dream means! Why am I dreaming about killer whales? This is absolutely NUTS! It's not like I've been thinking about them or anything and these two dreams were MONTHS apart. Am I really that crazy?


Anonymous said...

I don't know what to think about the killer whale dreams. They sound awful. Patti used to have a book on dream interpreting. I am going to see if she still has it. If she does, I will have her bring it up when she comes up for graduation. It might give some guidance on the dream. I really have no idea. I don't think you are nuts though.

Can't wait to see you this weekend!!!