Saturday, March 21, 2009

Put a little grease on me and call me Bob the Mechanic...

...cuz I just fixed my car all by myself!

For those of you who don't know (by this, I mean Megan) I had a really crappy week this week. A bunch of little things just started adding up and I was on the verge of a breakdown. One of my biggest issues this week has been my car. You've already (probably) read about my experience at the gas station on Sunday. Well, on Wednesday, I went out to my car to drive to class and discovered that my rear-view mirror had fallen off and was just dangling there. Also on Wednesday, an old man stopped me to tell me that one of my brake lights was out. Well, I had already told my dad about the brake light over Christmas break but it didn't get fixed. Then on Thursday, the "service engine soon" light came on.

So, after realizing that I was heading for a breakdown, not just over my car but life in general, I decided that I need to turn this car around (figuratively speaking). I need to get my life heading in the right direction. Sooooo I've decided to make a few changes so I can get out of this funk I'm in. The first step was to fix my car. So, I headed off to Wal-Mart in search of super glue. I felt a little out of place (ok, maybe A LOT out of place) in the car section at Wal-Mart, but I was finally able to locate a rear-view mirror repair kit. I bought that bad boy for 97 cents (along with some summer melon car air freshener) and headed home to start my repairs. I followed the directions carefully, making sure to put the mirror back on in the right place because the label said that nothing can get it off once it's on. Well, somehow my arm slipped, the mirror moved, and I didn't get it moved back in time. The glue dried while the mirror was still in my hand. So I went back and bought another one (this time for $2.97...not sure why the price jumped that much for the exact same product) and tried again. I haven't looked yet to see if it's still stuck on there, but I think I fixed it!!!! Next on the list is to see if I can replace the brake light myself. I've been told that with Aleros it's really hard to do yourself because you have to go in through the trunk, so I may end up having to take it somewhere. But anyway, I was really proud of myself for fixing the mirror by myself. I know it's not a huge deal, but it's a step in the right direction for me.

Now on to the bigger changes! I can't wait to get my life going the way I want it to. Stay tuned for more updates on the newer (ok maybe not newer), better me.


Angelhugs said...

wow I am so proud of you!

Anonymous said...

My mechanic's name is Mike. I think that should be your name.

And I have to say congratulations. I totally can't do anything when it comes to fixing a car. Like seriously, I can't do anything. When my rearview mirror fell off, I went to the Napa store and looked like a scared little girl and the nice sales guy came and fixed it for me. The only thing I can do is play the damsel in distress.